2019 Emerging Leader in the Flooring Business – Brett Hill

The continued growth and evolution of the flooring industry is due, in part, to the contributions of the young women and men rising through its ranks, changing and challenging the status quo with new approaches, innovations and strategies. The Emerging Leaders Awards recognizes the best of these up-and-coming talents within the dealer/retailer/contractor sector of the…

Shell Deer Park – Shaw Modular Tile Project

Texan Floor Service installed over 108,000 square feet of Shaw Modular tile at the Deer Park refinery administration building. Texan thinks safety and quality on each and every project. We Thank our Labor Superintendent Ricky Gaia and our crew members picture attached, for an outstanding job Texan Floor was Recognized by Shell Deer Park Facility…

Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center

Robert Johnson one of three Texan Flloor Service onsite Project Managers working on a 40,000 square foot medical project at Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center Installing a LVT from Manninton Amitico [vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”802,803,804,805″]